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May 2015

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in this issue . . .


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7 Tips for Working Safer in your Cruiser

By: Scott Hughes

Reprinted from Calibre Press

Being inside a marked police car is often compared to a fish bowl: we’re behind glass in the public eye. This visibility makes police officers in their patrol vehicles easy targets for those wishing to cause us harm. 2014 was another tragic year for American law enforcement, with 118 officers killed in the line of duty and many more injured. Some of these attacks were launched on unsuspecting officers who were simply sitting in their police cars completing routine tasks, like report writing, eating lunch, or waiting for red traffic lights to turn green. This was brought home for us recently with the horrific murders of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in their patrol vehicle in Brooklyn.

Yet more than ever before we’re forced to sit in our patrol cars. Since most modern police cars are equipped with MDC’s, which are necessary (and often required) to do our jobs, we find ourselves frequently staring at screens, and paying attention to these computers can make us susceptible to attacks.

With that in mind here are seven simple actions you can take to make yourself safer in your patrol car.

1) Don’t get boxed in. When you are stopped in traffic make an effort to keep distance between you and the other cars. This extra distance and open space could be vital in the event you’re attacked and need to remove yourself quickly.

2) Pay attention. What types of vehicles are around you? How many occupants do you see and are they paying attention to you? What is the description of the subject standing on the sidewalk? What street are you on? Simply put: Don’t drive around in “Condition White.” Be aware of your surroundings, especially when driving or sitting in a marked police car.

As a young officer in training I was riding with my FTO one day when he shouted: “STOP THE CAR!” I applied the brake as quickly as I could—driving my foot through the floorboard—and said, “What—what did you see?” He replied calmly, “What street are we on?” I thought: Huh? What street am I on? I replied: “I’m not sure. I just know what neighborhood we are in.” He then proceeded to explain to me the problem with not being aware of your surroundings. He continued logically: “If you had to summon help on the radio what would you say?”

This training exercise, which many of you have been exposed to in some fashion, holds true even after recruit training. Ensure you know where you are at all times! Be able to confidently broadcast your location to dispatch in the event of a confrontation.

3) Prevent gun belt obstructions: Ensure you can draw your weapon while sitting, and make sure your seatbelt doesn’t prevent you from removing your gun from its holster. Once you’re proficient in this you should be able to quickly remove your seatbelt without looking at the buckle.

Practice, practice, practice!

Unload your weapon and draw it from a seated position. You will soon realize (if you haven’t already) that removing your weapon while seated is tougher than you may think. Once you’ve practiced drawing from a seated position, apply the seatbelt and continue practicing until you feel somewhat proficient … Then continue practicing!

4) Turn off your engine and roll down the windows. I work in the Midwest and it gets cold (not as cold as some parts of the country, but cold nonetheless). Therefore, I understand the need to keep the heat on in the cruiser and the benefits of staying warm. However, you need to be aware of how much noise is created by your cruiser’s engine. I want you to hear (and see) somebody pulling up on you or walking up to your car. By simply cutting off your engine you will quickly discover how much more you are actually able to hear.

5) Place cars side by side with tactics in mind: When parked next to a fellow officer make sure they’re also turning off their engine. Try to position your vehicles in such a manner that both of you have an unobstructed view of the lot and you both have an escape route. This most likely will mean parking in the middle of the lot.

6) Remove your seatbelt: When you are going to be sitting stationary for an extended period of time, remove your seatbelt. In the event of a violent confrontation you may discover that your best course of action is to bail out of the car. Don’t get “stuck” in your cruiser due to your seat belt.

Option: When somebody is approaching your car on foot, exit your patrol car and greet them. This prevents you from being “stuck” in your cruiser.

7) Keep your passenger seat clear (unless of course you have a partner): Again, if you have to bail out the passenger side of the car you are going to need to do so as quickly as possible. You’ll already be dodging computers, radar units, in-car cameras and more. Keeping that passenger seat cleared off could be critical. Carry only the necessary paperwork up front, keep everything else in the trunk.

ConclusionIf you read this article and thought, “I’m already doing this,” that’s awesome. Keep it up! For those of you that aren’t practicing one or more of these steps, now is a great time to start. As I discuss in both Street Survival Seminar and TNT: Tactics in Traffic, the time to decide what you’re going to do isn’t when it’s happening. It’s the mental rehearsal and mental conditioning that often makes the difference.

Play the “what if” game the next time you are driving around or sitting in a parking lot.

    If I’m at a traffic light and somebody pulls up to my right and starts shooting, what am I going to do? What if they are on the left? Can I quickly accelerate my car from this location to safety?

    If a suspect walks up to me in this parking lot and starts shooting what will I do?

    Where is my cover? Where is my concealment?

    Can I bail out of my passenger side right now if I had to?

    What if … ?

    How about … ?

Run through different scenarios in your brain, and prepare accordingly.

Do you have other tactics, techniques, or tips that you’ve used? If so let us know on www.Facebook.com/StreetSurvival or @calibrepress on Twitter. I can be reached at scott . hughes @ calibrepress . com (no spaces).

Stay safe!

Scott Hughes

Scott is a contributing writer and Instructor for Calibre Press. Sgt. Hughes has been recognized as a subject matter expert by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission in traffic stops. He is the creator and lead instructor of the course TNT: Tactics in Traffic. He also instructs the Street Survival Seminar and Warrior’s Edge programs with Calibre Press. 

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Fitness Tip from 

Officers often have tight hips and limited hip mobility. The Medicine Ball Bounce Blast exercise progressions in this video will help stretch out the hips while training core stability and upper body power. To perform . . . . 

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Evaluating Admissions Against Self-Interest  

By John Reid & Associates

(Please Note: If you wish to print and share an Investigator Tip with your colleagues, the John E. Reid 'credit and permission' statement following the article must be included.)

It is not uncommon for suspects to make admissions against self-interest during an interview. They may acknowledge being in the area of the crime, having a motive to commit the crime, having a prior conviction, and many other statements that are unfavorable with respect to the suspect's innocence. During the recent presidential debates we heard the following two statements:

"My opponent has plenty of legitimate issues to attack me on, but instead, he makes up fictitious issues."

"To do things over, I should have worked harder to elicit bi-partisan support for the legislation."

Both statements represent an admission against self-interest but one is more typical of a truthful statement, the other a deceptive statement. This web tip will offer guidelines to interpret admissions against self-interest.

Rule #1: When an admission against self-interest is offered as a spontaneous and direct response to an interview question this would be typical of an innocent suspect as the following dialogues illustrates:

Q: "John, who would have had the best opportunity to steal narcotics from the cabinet if they wanted to?"

A: "Employees with keys. The head nurse has a key. Doug the PA has a key and I do."

Q: "Jeff have you and Julie had any arguments?"

A: "Oh yeah. Especially recently it seems that most of our dates ended in an argument, usually about my work schedule and future plans."

The first suspect could easily have chosen to conceal the fact that he had keys to the narcotics cabinet and the second could have withheld the information about arguments with his girlfriend. However, this information was revealed to the investigator because both suspects came prepared to tell the truth during the interview - even if the truth put the suspect in a negative light.

Rule #2: When an admission against self-interest is designed to explain away incriminating evidence it is typical of the guilty suspect. This is especially true when the admission contradicts an earlier denial.

Q: "Paul, if we reviewed the surveillance video showing the outside the bank last Friday afternoon, is there any reason it would show you in front of the bank? (Earlier during the interview the suspect stated that he was ten miles away from the bank last Friday afternoon.)

A: "You said last Friday? "Let me think about this..." "You know, I was on that side of town last Friday and I think I did walk by this bank you're telling me about."

Unlike the previous suspects who volunteered incriminating evidence when initially asked about it during the interview, this suspect acknowledged being at the crime scene only as an effort to explain away possibly incriminating evidence.

Rule #3: A suspect who acknowledges engaging in a particular behavior but denies wrongful intent is often guilty. This is a common strategy where guilty suspects will offer some admission against self-interest as an innocent explanation for the crime they committed, as the following examples illustrate:

(Arson) "You know, I was smoking in the garage that night and I'll bet my cigarette accidentally caught something on fire after I went to bed." In truth, the suspect poured lighter fluid on the wall and started the wall on fire.

(Theft) "I'm afraid that I'm the one responsible for that missing deposit because if it fell off the desk and into the waste basket, I emptied the trash that night. I probably threw it away and didn't even know it." The suspect, in fact, placed the deposit in her purse and walked out of the building with it.

(Child Molestation) "I was playing with my grand-daughter over the weekend and we were both on the ground wrestling. When we were doing that my hand may have inadvertently gone down the front of her pants. That has to be what she's talking about." The suspect, in fact, fondled the victim's vaginal area when he put her to bed that night.

Rule #4: An admission against self-interest may be an effort by the guilty suspect to manipulate the investigator. The suspect believes that by acknowledging some unrelated act of wrong-doing, the investigator will find his denial to the incident under investigation more credible. The following examples illustrate this:

Q: "Joe, did you rob Jakes liquor store last night?"

A: "I'll admit that I have pulled some robberies in the past but I served my time for those. Believe me, I wouldn't risk going back to jail."

Q: "Mary did you change the quantity on this prescription?"

A: "I have altered grades on papers in high school and signed other people's signature but I wouldn't do something this serious."

In analyzing these two responses, not only have the suspects failed to offer a definitive denial to the investigator's question, they also included a gratuitous admission against self-interest to help "sell" their innocence concerning committing the crime under investigation. This is the same tactic utilized by the presidential candidate mentioned at the outset of this article.

In conclusion, admissions against self-interest, like many other behaviors, can be an indication of either guilt or innocence depending on the context of the behavior and other variables. The investigator should listen for admissions against self-interest during an interview and use them as one of many possible behavior symptoms to reveal a suspect's probable guilt or innocence.

Credit and Permission Statement:
Permission is hereby granted to those who wish to share or copy this article. In those instances, the following Credit Statement must be included "This Investigator Tip was developed by John E. Reid and Associates Inc. 800-255-5747 / www.reid.com." Inquiries regarding Investigator Tips should be directed to Janet Finnerty jfinnerty@reid.com.

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10 Misconceptions of Body-Worn Video

Expecting too much of a single camera mounted on a police officer spells disaster

By: Force Science

The idea is building that once every cop is equipped with a body camera, the controversy will be taken out of police shootings and other uses of force because “what really happened” will be captured on video for all to see.

Well, to borrow the title from an old Gershwin tune, “It Ain’t Necessarily So.”

There’s no doubt that body cameras—like dash cams, cell phone cams, and surveillance cams—can provide a unique perspective on police encounters and, in most cases, are likely to help officers. But like those other devices, a camera mounted on your uniform or on your head has limitations that need to be understood and considered when evaluating the images they record.

“Rushing to condemn an officer for inappropriate behavior based solely on body-camera evidence can be a dicey proposition,” cautions Dr. Bill Lewinski, executive director of the Force Science Institute. “Certainly, a camera can provide more information about what happened on the street. But it can’t necessarily provide all the information needed to make a fair and impartial final judgment. There still may be influential human factors involved, apart from what the camera sees.”

In a recent conversation with Force Science News, Lewinski enumerated 10 limitations that are important to keep in mind regarding body-camera evidence (and, for the most part, recordings from other cameras as well) if you are an investigator, a police attorney, a force reviewer, or an involved officer. This information may also be helpful in efforts to educate your community.

1. A camera doesn’t follow your eyes or see as they see.

At the current level of development, a body camera is not an eye-tracker like FSI has used in some of its studies of officer attention. That complex apparatus can follow the movement of your eyes and superimpose on video small red circles that mark precisely where you are looking from one microsecond to the next.

“A body camera photographs a broad scene but it can’t document where within that scene you are looking at any given instant,” Lewinski says. “If you glance away from where the camera is concentrating, you may not see action within the camera frame that appears to be occurring ‘right before your eyes.’

“Likewise, the camera can’t acknowledge physiological and psychological phenomena that you may experience under high stress. As a survival mechanism, your brain may suppress some incoming visual images that seem unimportant in a life-threatening situation so you can completely focus very narrowly on the threat. You won’t be aware of what your brain is screening out.

“Your brain may also play visual tricks on you that the camera can’t match. If a suspect is driving a vehicle toward you, for example, it will seem to be closer, larger, and faster than it really is because of a phenomenon called ‘looming.’ Camera footage may not convey the same sense of threat that you experienced.

“In short, there can be a huge disconnect between your field of view and your visual perception and the camera’s. Later, someone reviewing what’s caught on camera and judging your actions could have a profoundly different sense of what happened than you had at the time it was occurring.”

2. Some important danger cues can’t be recorded.

“Tactile cues that are often important to officers in deciding to use force are difficult for cameras to capture,” Lewinski says. “Resistive tension is a prime example.

“You can usually tell when you touch a suspect whether he or she is going to resist. You may quickly apply force as a preemptive measure, but on camera it may look like you made an unprovoked attack, because the sensory cue you felt doesn’t record visually.”

And, of course, the camera can’t record the history and experience you bring to an encounter. “Suspect behavior that may appear innocuous on film to a naïve civilian can convey the risk of mortal danger to you as a streetwise officer,” Lewinski says. “For instance, an assaultive subject who brings his hands up may look to a civilian like he’s surrendering, but to you, based on past experience, that can be a very intimidating and combative movement, signaling his preparation for a fighting attack. The camera just captures the action, not your interpretation.”

3. Camera speed differs from the speed of life.

Because body cameras record at much higher speeds than typical convenience store or correctional facility security cameras, it’s less likely that important details will be lost in the millisecond gaps between frames, as sometimes happens with those cruder devices.

“But it’s still theoretically possible that something as brief as a muzzle flash or the glint of a knife blade that may become a factor in a use-of-force case could still fail to be recorded,” Lewinski says.

Of greater consequence, he believes, is the body camera’s depiction of action and reaction times.

“Because of the reactionary curve, an officer can be half a second or more behind the action as it unfolds on the screen,” Lewinski explains. “Whether he’s shooting or stopping shooting, his recognition, decision-making, and physical activation all take time—but obviously can’t be shown on camera.

“People who don’t understand this reactionary process won’t factor it in when viewing the footage. They’ll think the officer is keeping pace with the speed of the action as the camera records it. So without knowledgeable input, they aren’t likely to understand how an officer can unintentionally end up placing rounds in a suspect’s back or firing additional shots after a threat has ended.”

4. A camera may see better than you do in low light.

“The high-tech imaging of body cameras allows them to record with clarity in many low-light settings,” Lewinski says. “When footage is screened later, it may actually be possible to see elements of the scene in sharper detail than you could at the time the camera was activated.

“If you are receiving less visual information than the camera is recording under time-pressured circumstances, you are going to be more dependent on context and movement in assessing and reacting to potential threats. In dim light, a suspect’s posturing will likely mean more to you immediately than some object he’s holding. When footage is reviewed later, it may be evident that the object in his hand was a cell phone, say, rather than a gun. If you’re expected to have seen that as clearly as the camera did, your reaction might seem highly inappropriate.”

On the other hand, he notes, cameras do not always deal well with lighting transitions. “Going suddenly from bright to dim light or vice versa, a camera may briefly blank out images altogether,” he says.

5. Your body may block the view.

“How much of a scene a camera captures is highly dependent on where it’s positioned and where the action takes place,” Lewinski notes. “Depending on location and angle, a picture may be blocked by your own body parts, from your nose to your hands.

“If you’re firing a gun or a Taser, for example, a camera on your chest may not record much more than your extended arms and hands. Or just blading your stance may obscure the camera’s view. Critical moments within a scenario that you can see may be missed entirely by your body cam because of these dynamics, ultimately masking what a reviewer may need to see to make a fair judgment.”

6. A camera only records in 2-D.

Because cameras don’t record depth of field—the third dimension that’s perceived by the human eye—accurately judging distances on their footage can be difficult.

“Depending on the lens involved, cameras may compress distances between objects or make them appear closer than they really are,” Lewinski says. “Without a proper sense of distance, a reviewer may misinterpret the level of threat an officer was facing.”

In the Force Science Certification Course, he critiques several camera images in which distance distortion became problematic. In one, an officer’s use of force seemed inappropriate because the suspect appears to be too far away to pose an immediate threat. In another, an officer appears to strike a suspect’s head with a flashlight when, in fact, the blow was directed at a hand and never touched the head.

“There are technical means for determining distances on 2-D recordings,” Lewinski says, “but these are not commonly known or accessed by most investigators.”

7. The absence of sophisticated time-stamping may prove critical.

The time-stamping that is automatically imposed on camera footage is a gross number, generally measuring the action minute by minute. “In some high-profile, controversial shooting cases that is not sophisticated enough,” Lewinski says.  “To fully analyze and explain an officer’s perceptions, reaction time, judgment, and decision-making it may be critical to break the action down to units of one-hundredths of a second or even less.

“There are post-production computer programs that can electronically encode footage to those specifications, and the Force Science Institute strongly recommends that these be employed. When reviewers see precisely how quickly suspects can move and how fast the various elements of a use-of-force event unfold, it can radically change their perception of what happened and the pressure involved officers were under to act.”

8. One camera may not be enough.

“The more cameras there are recording a force event, the more opportunities there are likely to be to clarify uncertainties,” Lewinski says. “The angle, the ambient lighting, and other elements will almost certainly vary from one officer’s perspective to another’s, and syncing the footage up will provide broader information for understanding the dynamics of what happened. What looks like an egregious action from one angle may seem perfectly justified from another.

“Think of the analysis of plays in a football game. In resolving close calls, referees want to view the action from as many cameras as possible to fully understand what they’re seeing. Ideally, officers deserve the same consideration. The problem is that many times there is only one camera involved, compared to a dozen that may be consulted in a sporting event, and in that case the limitations must be kept even firmer in mind.

9. A camera encourages second-guessing.

“According to the U. S. Supreme Court in Graham v. Connor, an officer’s decisions in tense, uncertain, and rapidly evolving situations are not to be judged with the ‘20/20 vision of hindsight,’ ” Lewinski notes. “But in the real-world aftermath of a shooting, camera footage provides an almost irresistible temptation for reviewers to play the coulda-shoulda game.

“Under calm and comfortable conditions, they can infinitely replay the action, scrutinize it for hard-to-see detail, slow it down, freeze it. The officer had to assess what he was experiencing while it was happening and under the stress of his life potentially being on the line. That disparity can lead to far different conclusions.

“As part of the incident investigation, we recommend that an officer be permitted to see what his body camera and other cameras recorded. He should be cautioned, however, to regard the footage only as informational. He should not allow it to supplant his first-hand memory of the incident. Justification for a shooting or other use of force will come from what an officer reasonably perceived, not necessarily from what a camera saw.”

[For more details about FSI’s position on whether officers should be allowed to view video of their incidents, see Force Science News #114 (1/17/09). You will find online it at: www.forcescience.org/fsnews/114.html]

10. A camera can never replace a thorough investigation.

When officers oppose wearing cameras, civilians sometimes assume they fear “transparency.” But more often, Lewinski believes, they are concerned that camera recordings will be given undue, if not exclusive, weight in judging their actions.

“A camera’s recording should never be regarded solely as the Truth about a controversial incident,” Lewinski declares. “It needs to be weighed and tested against witness testimony, forensics, the involved officer’s statement, and other elements of a fair, thorough, and impartial investigation that takes human factors into consideration.

“This is in no way intended to belittle the merits of body cameras. Early testing has shown that they tend to reduce the frequency of force encounters as well as complaints against officers.

“But a well-known police defense attorney is not far wrong when he calls cameras ‘the best evidence and the worst evidence.’ The limitations of body cams and others need to be fully understood and evaluated to maximize their effectiveness and to assure that they are not regarded as infallible ‘magic bullets’ by people who do not fully grasp the realities of force dynamics.”

Our thanks to Parris Ward, director and litigation graphics consultant with Biodynamics Engineering, Inc., for his help in facilitating this report.

For more information on the work of the Force Science Institute, visit www.forcescience.org. To reach the Force Science News editorial staff please e-mail: editor@forcescience.org.

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